Sweet Caroline - Timonium Area Newborn and Family Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Sweet Caroline - Timonium Area Newborn and Family Photographer

I received a phone call from this sweet little angels Dad at the last minute looking for a newborn/Christmas card photo session and I am so happy I did. This family reminds me so much of my own...two super adorable little girls - almost exactly as far apart in age as my two. A beautiful, proud and loving big sister who is full of spunk and talks up a storm just like my Charley.

They were worried sweet little Caroline would be fussy...well if she was all that needed to be done was to hand her to her Daddy and you'll see what happens. Daddy's little girl at only 10 days old, boy do little girls know how to work their magic on their Daddy's from the day they are born.

Tim and Dara - thank you so much for contacting me and allowing me to capture the memories of your brand new family of four...well five with Louie :) Enjoy your girls and take it from me, it only gets more fun from here. I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

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