Andie — Carrie D Photography — Blog | Carrie D Photography | Maryland Wedding Photographer

Instinct - Harford County Child Photographer

I found out last week that it is a childs instinct to play in leaves. See, we didn't have any trees on our property when we lived in the town house - sure the girls saw leaves, but there were never enough to rake - didn't know how thankful I was for that until now! Now we have 2 large oak trees in our backyard, So one day after work last week we were all outside so I decided to rake up some of the leaves so there wouldn't be tons to rake up later. So I raked...and without prompting, see what happened...

I love them...

9-29-2011 Leaves 4BLOG

9-29-2011 Leaves 1BLOG

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9-29-2011 Leaves 16BLOG

9-29-2011 Leaves 10BLOG

Pardon this Interruption - Baltimore Child Photographer

But my baby girl turned ONE! So I am feeling the need to deviate a little and post some photos of my girls.

It was bound to happen I know, but I don't think I was ready for it so quickly!!

We celebrated Andie's birthday twice - Once on her actual birthday - where we went to the park, then went out for ice cream and then she had a cupcake (that her big sister helped me make) - it was pretty low key. The next week we had a party at our new house - which was a blast - though it was a little hot and she chose a freeze pop over her cake :)

Andie talks up a storm every second she is awake, just like her sister. She isn't walking yet - and we are not pushing it, but she is getting close as she can stand on her own for a while, but why walk when she can crawl at mach speed...seriously, it is unreal. She loves her bunny and cuddles with him every night. She loves her big sister Charley too - every morning we walk into her room she says 'Hi' with a big ol' grin on her face. She loves to swing and loves bubbles. She loves all animals she has met so far and thinks horses are the funniest of them all.

Ok Miss Andie - enough already, slow down. Mama wants you to stay her little cuddle bug forever!!

Enough about my little are some photos most of which are from her actual birthday, not her party as I was a little too busy to snap some pics that day (and there are a few of her big sister thrown in there for good measure). So here is what keeps me busy when I am not out at photo sesssions or editing photos! Enjoy!

Andie's Party 43 - EDITED

Andie's Birthday 31 BW EDITED

Andie's Birthday 198 EDITED

Andie's Birthday 147 EDITED

Andie's Birthday 144 EDITED

Andie's Birthday 121 EDITED

Andie's Birthday 97 EDITED

Andie's Birthday 11 BW EDITED

Andie's Birthday 54 EDITED

Andie's Birthday 82 EDITED

Andie's Birthday 52 EDITED