It is funny because I will ask my clients if they think their baby looks like one of them or a sibling and I always get mixed responses. Sometimes I get - I think he/she has my eyes, but his ears and mouth. Or something like...She looks just like her Mom when she was a baby. And then I also get the 'I never know who a baby looks like...they all just look like babies' :)
Sometimes tho there is no denying who the little one looks like. Case in point, my oldest Charley...if you saw my husband and her in a crowd, you could match them up in a heartbeat.
Either way if Renee looks like Marisa, or looks like her Mom or Dad, she is super cute and loved a ton. I can't wait to watch her grow and become best friends with her Big Sis.
Nina & Rich - enjoy your sneak peek!! And enjoy your two little girls :)
