Leah - Bowie Newborn Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Leah - Bowie Newborn Photographer

I heard that Melissa was pregnant with her third back in January when I had my special up for 2013. We had a chat about how we were sure we'd both end up with 3 girls as I knew we wanted to have a 3rd as well. We emailed back and forth and laughed about how our husbands were out numbered   :)   So when I found myself walking up to their door to take Leah's newborn photos I was thinking 'is this going to be me in October?" three adorable little girls? Only time will tell...

Little Miss Leah was an angel during her entire session - letting her sisters hold her, kiss on her and try to put every headband from my box on her little head. She might as well get used to it because I see a lot of playing 'lets dress up our baby sister' in her future.

Big Brother Tank made his annual appearance in the photos - doing a great job of staying calm in the middle of the chaos. You will recognize him from Claire's newborn, 6 month and year photos as well. He is such a good boy...well except when he runs off and swims in the creek like he did when I got to the house. oops!

Melissa & Mike - thanks so much for allowing me to watch not only your kids, but your family grow. I'm sure I'll be in touch about pointers on how to handle 3 girls here in a few months   :)   Enjoy your sneak peek!

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Bowie Newborn Photographer - Bowie MD Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Portrait Photographer - Maryland Newborn Photographer - Maryland Natural LIght Newborn Photographer - Maryland Sibling Photographer - Maryland Natural light Portrait photographer

Bowie Newborn Photographer - Bowie MD Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Portrait Photographer - Maryland Newborn Photographer - Maryland Natural LIght Newborn Photographer - Maryland Sibling Photographer - Maryland Natural light Portrait photographer

Bowie Newborn Photographer - Bowie MD Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Portrait Photographer - Maryland Newborn Photographer - Maryland Natural LIght Newborn Photographer - Maryland Sibling Photographer - Maryland Natural light Portrait photographer

Bowie Newborn Photographer - Bowie MD Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Portrait Photographer - Maryland Newborn Photographer - Maryland Natural LIght Newborn Photographer - Maryland Sibling Photographer - Maryland Natural light Portrait photographer

Bowie Newborn Photographer - Bowie MD Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Portrait Photographer - Maryland Newborn Photographer - Maryland Natural LIght Newborn Photographer - Maryland Sibling Photographer - Maryland Natural light Portrait photographer

Bowie Newborn Photographer - Bowie MD Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Portrait Photographer - Maryland Newborn Photographer - Maryland Natural LIght Newborn Photographer - Maryland Sibling Photographer - Maryland Natural light Portrait photographer

Bowie Newborn Photographer - Bowie MD Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Portrait Photographer - Maryland Newborn Photographer - Maryland Natural LIght Newborn Photographer - Maryland Sibling Photographer - Maryland Natural light Portrait photographer

Bowie Newborn Photographer - Bowie MD Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Portrait Photographer - Maryland Newborn Photographer - Maryland Natural LIght Newborn Photographer - Maryland Sibling Photographer - Maryland Natural light Portrait photographer

Bowie Newborn Photographer - Bowie MD Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Portrait Photographer - Maryland Newborn Photographer - Maryland Natural LIght Newborn Photographer - Maryland Sibling Photographer - Maryland Natural light Portrait photographer

Bowie Newborn Photographer - Bowie MD Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Portrait Photographer - Maryland Newborn Photographer - Maryland Natural LIght Newborn Photographer - Maryland Sibling Photographer - Maryland Natural light Portrait photographer

Bowie Newborn Photographer - Bowie MD Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Portrait Photographer - Maryland Newborn Photographer - Maryland Natural LIght Newborn Photographer - Maryland Sibling Photographer - Maryland Natural light Portrait photographer

Bowie Newborn Photographer - Bowie MD Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Newborn Photographer - Bowie Natural Light Portrait Photographer - Maryland Newborn Photographer - Maryland Natural LIght Newborn Photographer - Maryland Sibling Photographer - Maryland Natural light Portrait photographer