Cousins - Wilmington Infant Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Cousins - Wilmington Infant Photographer

Growing up I was super lucky to be best friends with triplets. All 3 of them girls, all 3 of them super different and awesome in their own ways. They are like the sisters I never had. Their parents and older sister are super awesome too. They have pretty much adopted me as the 4th triplet. It's the best. Anyways...all 3 of them had babies last year. Jessica already had 2 kiddos - but Amanda and Sam these were their firsts. One boy and 2 girls. You might remember their newborn photos Joaquin, Logan and Nya. Cute, cute, cute. You'll be seeing a lot of them as they grow, trust me.

So their Mom asked me to come and take some photos of the 3 amigos together and I was thrilled to. It was a lot of fun to see them interact as much as they can at such young ages. I can't wait to get them back together in about 3 months when they can all sit up - to me 6 month photos are the cutest and we'll just have to distract Joaquin to make him sit still since he will definitely be fully mobile by then. So stay tuned for that adorableness!

Here you go...Joaquin, Logan and Nya...cousins. Love you all!! xoxo - Care

Wilmington Natural Light Photographer, Wilmington Infant Photographer, WIlmington Infant Natural Light Photographer, Delaware Natural Light Photographer, Cousin photographer, Wilmington Family Photographer

Wilmington Natural Light Photographer, Wilmington Infant Photographer, WIlmington Infant Natural Light Photographer, Delaware Natural Light Photographer, Cousin photographer, Wilmington Family Photographer

Wilmington Natural Light Photographer, Wilmington Infant Photographer, WIlmington Infant Natural Light Photographer, Delaware Natural Light Photographer, Cousin photographer, Wilmington Family Photographer

Wilmington Natural Light Photographer, Wilmington Infant Photographer, WIlmington Infant Natural Light Photographer, Delaware Natural Light Photographer, Cousin photographer, Wilmington Family Photographer

Wilmington Natural Light Photographer, Wilmington Infant Photographer, WIlmington Infant Natural Light Photographer, Delaware Natural Light Photographer, Cousin photographer, Wilmington Family Photographer

Wilmington Natural Light Photographer, Wilmington Infant Photographer, WIlmington Infant Natural Light Photographer, Delaware Natural Light Photographer, Cousin photographer, Wilmington Family Photographer

Wilmington Natural Light Photographer, Wilmington Infant Photographer, WIlmington Infant Natural Light Photographer, Delaware Natural Light Photographer, Cousin photographer, Wilmington Family Photographer

Wilmington Natural Light Photographer, Wilmington Infant Photographer, WIlmington Infant Natural Light Photographer, Delaware Natural Light Photographer, Cousin photographer, Wilmington Family Photographer

Wilmington Natural Light Photographer, Wilmington Infant Photographer, WIlmington Infant Natural Light Photographer, Delaware Natural Light Photographer, Cousin photographer, Wilmington Family Photographer

Wilmington Natural Light Photographer, Wilmington Infant Photographer, WIlmington Infant Natural Light Photographer, Delaware Natural Light Photographer, Cousin photographer, Wilmington Family Photographer