It is so awesome to see your friends as parents. Especially those of them who were just simply meant to be a Mom. Sam is going to rock at this, I just know it. Logan's Daddy is already head over heels in love with her and is not only going to be an amazing Daddy, but also Logan's best friend. I can't wait to watch her grow. She is one lucky little girl to be surrounded by such love.
Sam & Hank - enjoy her, you will turn around and she'll be 4 in a flash. If she wants to stay up all night - party with her because there will be nights when you'll wish you could sit with her all night long. Hold her as much as you can because in no time she will be to big to cuddle up under your chin and sleep. But most of all, love her like you love everyone else and she'll be a strong, smart, caring girl who knows love has no end. Love you!!
P.S. Sam I think she has your tongue ;)