Vitaliya - Annapolis Newborn & Family Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Vitaliya - Annapolis Newborn & Family Photographer

This sweet little girl arrived right on time and is perfect. You might remember her big sister from a photo session last summer. Now this family is blessed with 2 little girls - and a whole bunch of fun :)

Nadia & Hugh - thank you so much for inviting me to capture the newness of Vitaliya - she is simply precious. Enjoy life with your girls :) Here is your sneak peek!

Nadia 12-26-2011 (12 of 331)BLOG

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Nadia 12-26-2011 (230 of 331)BLOG

Nadia 12-26-2011 (235 of 331)BLOG

Nadia 12-26-2011 (42 of 331)BLOG

Nadia 12-26-2011 (154 of 331)BLOG