Though I am not going to lie, I had a little bit of a difficult time telling them apart - I did finally come up with a way to figure it out :) One thing I did learn that from here on out I am going to use a divider in between individual photos of all identical twins I photograph - so I won't have to flip back and forth between two photos trying to figure out ones cuteness from the others!
It was a H.O.T. day in downtown Annapolis the day of our photo shoot - Nick and Drew were troopers! We took little breaks here and there to cool off inside and that helped a lot. But both boys lasted almost 2 hours and gave me big smiles the entire time. I had a blast with these little guys - I can't wait to see what they are like when they turn is going to be even more fun then I can imagine!!
Carly - Thanks so much for asking me to capture your little boys at 6 months - it was so much fun! You are one lucky Mom to have such amazing little boys!! I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!