Thomson Family - Baltimore Family Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Thomson Family - Baltimore Family Photographer

The Thomson family was super easy to photograph. For starters they are all gorgeous (or handsome) and second, from the moment I turned my camera towards the kids, they smiled. I didn't have to say anything, make funny noises, tell jokes, nothing. It was awesome!

We had a lot of fun and made quick work of the session at Jerusalem Mill. The day was gorgeous, perfect early fall weather.

Kris & James - Thanks so much for getting in touch with me and allowing me to capture your amazing family. Enjoy your sneak peek!

Baltimore Family Photographer - Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Holiday Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Portrait Photographer - Natural Light Portrait Photography - Kris T 10-18-2012 (112 of 321)

Baltimore Family Photographer - Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Holiday Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Portrait Photographer - Natural Light Portrait Photography - Kris T 10-18-2012 81BLOG

Baltimore Family Photographer - Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Holiday Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Portrait Photographer - Natural Light Portrait Photography - Kris T 10-18-2012 (9 of 321)

Baltimore Family Photographer - Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Holiday Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Portrait Photographer - Natural Light Portrait Photography - Kris T 10-18-2012 (34 of 321)

Baltimore Family Photographer - Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Holiday Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Portrait Photographer - Natural Light Portrait Photography - Kris T 10-18-2012 (202 of 321)

Baltimore Family Photographer - Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Holiday Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Portrait Photographer - Natural Light Portrait Photography - Kris T 10-18-2012 (25 of 321)

Baltimore Family Photographer - Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Holiday Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Portrait Photographer - Natural Light Portrait Photography - Kris T 10-18-2012 (179 of 321)

Baltimore Family Photographer - Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Holiday Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Portrait Photographer - Natural Light Portrait Photography - Kris T 10-18-2012 (49 of 321)

Baltimore Family Photographer - Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Holiday Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Portrait Photographer - Natural Light Portrait Photography - Kris T 10-18-2012 (74 of 321)