See there is this guy. He is super amazing and today is his birthday so I thought I'd write a post all about him. He does a lot of things I think he doesn't even realize - things that mean the world to other people. Here are just a handful of things that he does/is that makes him super special (and me and my girls super lucky) to have him all to ourselves.
Here goes a super long post - but he deserves it. He is the reason I have been able to follow my dream as a photographer...and I can't thank him enough.
He is hot, handsome, sexy, and cute.
He'd look super sexy with hair or without.
He is amazingly athletic - he has completed NINE Tough Mudders and has pushed me to complete two. He's amazing. He is going to complete a 32 mile run for his 32nd birthday next Saturday. Crazy? Yes. But I still love him!
He helps set up training runs for others trying to complete races so that they can know what to expect. He also helps motivate them by making them believe they can do anything they put their minds to - just like he has done.
He is a super cool present wrapper.
He makes a great pillow :)
He takes me to see my boyfriend.
He is the most amazing Daddy I have ever seen. These 2 girls (and the new one coming) are the luckiest in the world. Their Daddy loves them so much and has found his calling as a Daddy. He rocks at it. Super parent. I learn a lot from him every day.
He loves the outdoors and loves instilling this in the kids. And sometimes if I beg enough...the dogs too. :)
He has taken me to the beach (my favorite place) almost every Mother's Day since I became a Mom. I love it.
He humors me when I say it will be an awesome idea to take the girls to NYC for the day to have family photos taken. And even wore a yellow sweater I bought him...I might never hear the end of the yellow sweater tho...
He asks me to take photos of him all ready to go to Disney World :)
He has a super cute little twin :)
He lets me take about 15 self portraits until I get the one I like.
He is the most amazing second shooter a girl could ask for. He poses when I need to test my lighting. He walks around and asks groups of people to get together for photo ops while I am off sneaking candid photos. He makes everyone feel comfortable and he isn't afraid to get in the middle of it all - even if that means laying on the floor in a circle of bridesmaids. :) All while looking super hot carrying a camera.
He is the most amazing Husband, Father, Best Friend, Uncle, Doggie Daddy, Running/Workout Buddy, Neighbor anyone could ever ask for. And I'm super lucky because he asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. I couldn't be happier. Happy Birthday Jimmy! We love you so much!!