This Guy... — Carrie D Photography

This Guy...

Is my best friend...

immy 6

Can ROCK a mullet wig...

mmy 5

Loves his girls so much...

jimmy 4
jimmy 3

Packed all 3 girls in the car at bedtime and ran to my side when this happened, even tho I called and told him I was fine...

Is the best Daddy in the world...

jimmy 1

Is always super excited when candy is involved...

jimmy 16

Loves Jeeps...therefore his girls love jeeps too...

jimmy 15

Has taught his girls...which movies are important...

jimmy 14

Can't say no to this face...

jimmy 13

And therefore will share his ice cream...sometimes...

jimmy 12

Lets me foster puppies...

jimmy 11

Goes to country concerts with me when he doesn't even know any of the songs...

immy 21

Sends me selfies of him and the girls when I'm away...

mmy 20

Is the first one to jump in and help his girls win a relay race...

Jimmy 18

Is all about hunting for Easter Eggs...

jimmy 17

Let me get a puppy...

jimmy 31

Loves the puppy just as much as we all do...

jimmy 32

Is adored by all of his girls...

jimmy 30

Is so sexy...

mmy 29

Loves his girls with all his heart...

mmy 28

Can't get enough of spending time and making memories with us...

jimmy 27

Takes his girls fun places when I am busy working...

Jimmy 26

Knows when his girls need a little one on one Daddy time...

Jimmy 25

Is super lucky...because these three are all his...

Jimmy 24

Humors me to take a family selfie at the zoo when it is 900 degrees out and takes 10 tries...

Jimmy 23

Is SO PROUD of his girls...all the matter what...

jimmy 34

Happy Father's Day to the BEST DADDY EVER!! We love you all so much!!!

jimmy 22

And sorry...but he is all mine.

jimmy 33