Taylor - Westminster Newborn Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Taylor - Westminster Newborn Photographer

This little girl is different from all of the other babies I have photographed recently...she decided to come early!! She was born 3 weeks early as a surprise for her Mom and Dad - but what a perfect surprise! Just look at all of her beautiful hair...and her Mom said she had that much hair when she was born, just imagine the locks she would have had if she came on time!

Taylor did amazing for her photo session - she slept (though at times with one eye open) for some photos and was wide awake for others - the perfect medium...though we found out she did not like my hats...at.all. But hats or no hats, she is super cute.

Jen & Paul - thanks so much for asking me to come and photograph your little sweetheart. Enjoy your sneak peek!!

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Taylor 12-29-2011 (41 of 202)BLOG

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Taylor 12-29-2011 (96 of 202)BLOG