Spring Mini Sessions - Annapolis Child & Family Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Spring Mini Sessions - Annapolis Child & Family Photographer

Spring Mini Sessions were amazing this year!! First, every single family was AMAZING!! Beautiful children, Mom's and Dad's and even pets! Second, the weather - we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day!! I can't wait to do this again next year! Thanks so much to all of the families who came out for a Spring Mini Session this year - I hope you had as much fun as I did!! Here is just a little sneak peek of the goodies that will soon arrive in your email box!!

Wyatt & His Little Sister Charlotte

Spring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Anne SMS 4-15-2012 (46 of 103)BLOGSpring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Anne SMS 4-15-2012 (10 of 103)-2BLOG

Ben & Katherine - They even brought their 'other sister' Morgan with them...an English Bulldog!

Spring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Heidi SMS 4-15-2012 (47 of 137)BLOGSpring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Heidi SMS 4-15-2012 (129 of 137)BLOGSpring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Heidi SMS 4-15-2012 84 BLOG

Mr. Patrick who is going to be a big brother soon!

Spring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Cristan SMS 4-15-2012 (21 of 57)BLOGSpring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Cristan SMS 4-15-2012 36BLOG

Nolan was one of my new clients...such a happy little man!!

Spring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Lindsay SMS 4-15-2012 (125 of 152)BLOGSpring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Lindsay SMS 4-15-2012 (2 of 152)BLOG

Nick & Drew - Thank goodness that the collars of their shirts had different parts of the pattern or I wouldn't have been able to tell them apart in their close ups - as the day of the photo session I was telling them apart by their shoe color!!

Spring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Carly SMS 4-15-2012 (169 of 1256)BLOGSpring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Carly SMS 4-15-2012 (135 of 1256)BLOGSpring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Carly SMS 4-15-2012 (20 of 1256)BLOG

Bennett - I can't believe how you have grown!!

Spring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Nicole SMS 4-15-2012 (108 of 180)BLOGSpring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Nicole SMS 4-15-2012 (32 of 180)BLOG

Ms. Kayla - we had so much fun running around and playing!
Spring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Becky SMS 4-15-2012 (22 of 66)BLOGSpring Mini Sessions Quiet Waters Park Becky SMS 4-15-2012 (32 of 66)BLOG