Packer Family - Baltimore Child & Family Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Packer Family - Baltimore Child & Family Photographer

I always have a blast photographing the Packer family! I love seeing how much the boys have grown and re-creating photos of Brooks that we took of Payton a little over a year ago. The mosquitos were out full force this night...and it was hot. But with a few goldfish cookies and some rocks...the heat was forgotten about...well for Peyton anyway. :)

Lindsay and Dave - thanks again for a wonderful time...your boys just keep getting cuter and cuter!! Enjoy your sneak peek!

Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Family Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Family Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Child Photographer - Lindsay P 8-13-2012 (41 of 404)BLOG

Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Family Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Family Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Child Photographer - Lindsay P 8-13-2012 (188 of 404)BLOG

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Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Family Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Family Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Child Photographer - Lindsay P 8-13-2012 (146 of 404)BLOG

Here is Peyton at 6 months...
Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Family Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Family Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Child Photographer - Peyton Blog  (1 of 9)

and here is Brooks at 6 months...
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Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Family Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Family Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Child Photographer - Lindsay P 8-13-2012 (58 of 404)BLOG

Baltimore Child Photographer - Baltimore Family Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Family Photographer - Jerusalem Mill Child Photographer - Carrie D Photography 281BLOG