Mission Accomplished - Washington DC Infant Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Mission Accomplished - Washington DC Infant Photographer

So I am finding that in winter - especially a freezing cold, windy, icy, snowy winter like the one we have had around here - is hard when you are a natural light photographer and you want a change of scenery from the indoors. But today was a different story.

I was on a mission - two of my favorite clients Libby and Spencer are lawyers in DC and when they got in touch with me about wanting 6 month pictures of their daughter Elsie (who you can also see here and here) in February we needed an indoor location. They suggested Libby's work...where does she work...well in an office building. So I began to have nightmares of nasty green low pile carpet, scuffed walls and stick-on base molding. Luckily, what I found when I arrived there this morning, was an office with a view of the White House, windows everywhere, a conference room with a built in couch, a HUGE table with an awesome reflection, wood covered walls and a little bit of low pile carpet...well it couldn't be too perfect! :)

So my mission was a little easier...but take a look for yourself - do you think we were in an office building in DC??

I am thinking about writing a behind the scenes post about this session - so you can see what we did to make the photos look so not-in-a-lawyers-office-in-DC-esque. I just don't know if you all would be interested in seeing something like that??

Anyways...Libby and Spencer - thank you so much for an amazing time! I had so much fun, Elsie is so freaking adorable it was difficult to choose which pics to show here!! I can't wait until she is 9 months and we can do it all over again...well outside ;) Enjoy your sneak peek!!

Libby Blog (4 of 9)

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