Mike & Allison - Princeton Child Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Mike & Allison - Princeton Child Photographer

These two cuties are the kiddos of a good friend of mine from college. I was supposed to take Allison's newborn photos...as you can see she is no longer a newborn! Amy and I both bought new houses right around the same time (her, right when Allison was born!) and we haven't caught up until now. I'm so glad I got to go and visit, even if just for the day and hang out with these guys...they are both too funny and a blast to hang out with.

Amy and Brian - you two make some cute kids! I had a great time visiting and we have to do it again soon. This time maybe I'll bring my 2 crazies with me...um...but then maybe you won't have me back! :) Enjoy your sneak peek...I'll be in touch!

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