Family Fun - Annapolis Family and Child Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Family Fun - Annapolis Family and Child Photographer

I love watching kids grow year after year - I had such a great time photographing the Simpson Family last summer and was so excited when they emailed me again this year! Not only do the kids grow, but their personalities evolve and change as well - it is so exciting and sweet to watch them become a year older in what seems like a flash!

This summer not only did I get to photograph the Simpsons - but their extended family as well! With family visiting from the west coast and Grandma in town - we had a fun filled family session! Oh and I couldn't leave out my buddy Jackson who makes a surprise appearance at the end ;)

Amy it was such a pleasure to meet your family...and little Emmett - he is so adorable! Those eyes and his expressions...could he be any cuter!! I am so glad you could be in town for the photo session and everything worked out!

Karen - thanks again for inviting me back - it was a blast!! I hope you all enjoyed the rest of your time together and I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!

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