Emma, Cooper & Levi - Maryland Pet Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Emma, Cooper & Levi - Maryland Pet Photographer

Funny how things work out. I met April (these 3 doggies Mama) at the FitBloggin conference back in June. She approached me and asked if I photographed dogs. I said a big YES!! And when I found out that she has 3 labs - just like I have 3 labs - I was hooked. I was super excited to get an email from April a few days later to come and photograph her pups. It was a blast. We tried to capture something that made each dog unique, something that they love.

Emma loves sticks. Cooper loves socks (and sticks only usually when Emma has one). Levi loves to be by his Mama's side. The dogs had a blast running through the field, getting a lot of treats, swimming and being dogs. It was so much fun.

Anyone else out there have a pack of dogs they want photographed? I could use one 'all dog' session a month - they make me happy.

April - thank you, thank you, thank you for trusting me and allowing me the opportunity to photograph your babies. They are such loves. Enjoy your sneak peek!

Maryland Pet Photographer - Maryland Dog Photographer - Pet Photography - Natural light Pet Photography - April 10-19-2012 (218 of 412)

Maryland Pet Photographer - Maryland Dog Photographer - Pet Photography - Natural light Pet Photography - April 10-19-2012 (86 of 412)

Maryland Pet Photographer - Maryland Dog Photographer - Pet Photography - Natural light Pet Photography - April 10-19-2012 (5 of 412)

Maryland Pet Photographer - Maryland Dog Photographer - Pet Photography - Natural light Pet Photography - April 10-19-2012 (51 of 412)

Maryland Pet Photographer - Maryland Dog Photographer - Pet Photography - Natural light Pet Photography - April 10-19-2012 (72 of 412)

Maryland Pet Photographer - Maryland Dog Photographer - Pet Photography - Natural light Pet Photography - April 10-19-2012 (70 of 412)

Maryland Pet Photographer - Maryland Dog Photographer - Pet Photography - Natural light Pet Photography - April 10-19-2012 387BLOG

Maryland Pet Photographer - Maryland Dog Photographer - Pet Photography - Natural light Pet Photography - April 10-19-2012 93BLOG

Maryland Pet Photographer - Maryland Dog Photographer - Pet Photography - Natural light Pet Photography - April 10-19-2012 60BLOG

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