Ella - Columbia Newborn Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Ella - Columbia Newborn Photographer

Sweet Ella - she was such an angel to photograph - slept the entire session. Ella's Big Brother Brady was happy to hold his little sister anytime. He is such a great big brother and Ella is one lucky little lady.

Anna & Evan - congrats on your perfect little family of four. Thanks for allowing me to come and capture some precious moments of your little ones. Have an amazing summer at the beach! Enjoy your sneak peek!

Columbia Newborn Photographer - Columbia Child Photographer - Columbia Family Photographer - Ella 6-16-2012 (47 of 225)BLOG

Columbia Newborn Photographer - Columbia Child Photographer - Columbia Family Photographer - Ella 6-16-2012 (107 of 225)BLOG

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Columbia Newborn Photographer - Columbia Child Photographer - Columbia Family Photographer - Ella 6-16-2012 (121 of 225)BLOG

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Columbia Newborn Photographer - Columbia Child Photographer - Columbia Family Photographer - Ella 6-16-2012 (177 of 225)BLOG

Columbia Newborn Photographer - Columbia Child Photographer - Columbia Family Photographer - Ella 6-16-2012 (127 of 225)BLOG