Change of Plans - Baltimore Child Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Change of Plans - Baltimore Child Photographer

This session didn't start out like we had planned...see these two handsome fellas were supposed to be my second session at Ft. McHenry - but then there was this little warning I received which killed those plans. I was so bummed! So we set off to make alternative plans - we were going to take the water taxi to Fells Point - that was a no go as there was only a drop off not a pick up at the Fort. So we opted for plan number 3 a stroll around the was a beautiful day for it, and though it wasn't our original plan - it worked out great.

Talk about brotherly love - these two boys have it. I asked them to get together and without being prompted they then hugged and loved on each other. So sweet to see - I hope my girls are as best friends when they grow up as these two are.

Jo - you are definitely doing something right. I had a blast with you and all of your boys. Thanks for being flexible!! And you will be the first family I will take back to the Fort when I get my permit :) I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!!

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