I love when clients ask me to come and photograph milestones in their kids lives. Like Jackson, he turned the big ONE last week and though he only felt like modeling for a short time, I caught some memories I hope will help his parents remember the little things he liked to do...and how cute he was doing it. Like the part where his Daddy sang 'itsy bitsy spider' and when he sang the line 'out came the sun and dried up all the rain' and Jackson raised his hands up in the air to make the sun come out...just look. A definite memory they won't want to forget.
So go out and capture the every day moments...no need to always make your little one look at the camera and smile. There are tons of beautiful pictures and memories captured when no one even knows the camera is there.
Christy - thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to capture the memories of Jackson at one...just wait, it keeps getting better! I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!