Camden - Baltimore Newborn Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Camden - Baltimore Newborn Photographer

I'm still surprised at how much of a small world it is. I had been emailing back and forth with Robyn about the arrival of her little one for about 3 months, then I show up at her house after Camden is born to find out she is the spin instructor from our old gym! My husband and I used to take her Monday night class every week!

I think it is so interesting to find out where families come up with names for their kids. Camden has a neat story - he got his name from Camden Yards, the Baltimore Orioles baseball stadium where his Mom and Dad met when they were back in college. So his name has a history and a story that he can tell his kids one day.

Robyn - Thanks so much for allowing me to come and capture the cuteness of your little man. Enjoy your sneak peek!

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