Best of Friends - Kingsville Child & Family Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Best of Friends - Kingsville Child & Family Photographer

This is a two for one sneak peek! One of my awesome clients Amie has been planning this session for months and I am so glad the weather cooperated! Amie's good friend Laura from college was visiting her from Indiana for the weekend with her family and new baby girl Zoie and they all wanted to get photos together. It was perfect timing - see Amie's birthday is also her oldest son Jackson's birthday too (as well as Amie's is just crazy!!) and then her youngest Carter was turning one 2 days later! Ok now that I have confused everyone reading this...I will leave you with the sneak peek!

Amie, Dustin, Laura and Danny - it was great getting to see you all (and meet you!) between the 4 of you there are so many cute kiddos! I hope you enjoy your sneak peek!!

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