Andrew - Catonsville Newborn Photographer — Carrie D Photography

Andrew - Catonsville Newborn Photographer

Funny how I meet some of my clients some times...

The wonderful parents of this adorable little boy I met on Craigslist - that sounds odd yes, but let me explain. My family moved and we were looking to get new bedroom furniture and sell our old, while Laura and Jason were looking for a dresser for their little unborn baby's nursery and our dresser fit the bill. So they came over and picked up the dresser last summer and ended up contacting me for newborn photos :)

I have to say I was so excited to hear from them, as the sex of their baby was a surprise and I really wanted to know what they had!! And they had this adorable little guy...Andrew. He is perfect and he has the biggest most expressive eyes I have seen on a newborn. Simply stunning. He was an angel throughout his entire photo session too - just taking it all in.

Laura and Jason - thanks so much for asking me to photograph Andrew :) And the dresser looks AWESOME! Congrats on your little guy and enjoy your sneak peek!!

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Andrew 1-19-2012 (37 of 213)BLOG

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