I found out last week that it is a childs instinct to play in leaves. See, we didn't have any trees on our property when we lived in the town house - sure the girls saw leaves, but there were never enough to rake - didn't know how thankful I was for that until now! Now we have 2 large oak trees in our backyard, So one day after work last week we were all outside so I decided to rake up some of the leaves so there wouldn't be tons to rake up later. So I raked...and without prompting, see what happened...
This fun loving family is going to soon have a new addition! There is no telling if it will be a boy or a girl...I vote boy :) Either way, one thing is for sure - he/she will be loved and adored by all of their older siblings.
Katie and Dan - congrats on baby number four! I can't wait to meet your newest adorable blue eyed blonde haired baby :) Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to capture this exciting time in your family's life - I had a blast - your kids are so cute and hysterical!! Enjoy your sneak peek!
Stay tuned in a few weeks to find out if this little one is a boy...or a girl!
This session was my third for the day in Delaware - it was a last minute session, Keelen's Mommy found out I was coming to town the day before and emailed me about getting a session, I am so glad she did!
Keelen is such a ham!! She loved smiling at the camera and she laughed and played the entire time. Keelen was a prime example of why I love my job - no stress, fun, get to run around and play outside photo sessions...little kids (and their parents) love them!! We are done before you know it and have caught some amazing photos of the kids just being themselves.
Stevi - thanks so much for emailing me!! I had a blast at your session, it was great seeing you again and getting to meet adorable Keelen!! Enjoy your sneak peek!