Where do I start? These boys are two of the luckiest little guys I have ever met. First off they have super cool parents...second they are both adopted from Columbia from the same orphanage their Dad was adopted from when he was a baby. Awesome huh?I was lucky enough to go to Salisbury with Nico & Teo's Dad, Chris and their Mom Kristin too. When I heard they needed a photographer for their boys combined birthday party I jumped at the chance to see them and meet their little guys.
There is such a neat story with these two little cuties. Nico was adopted about 2 years ago and then right before last Christmas Chris and Kristin got a phone call that would forever change their lives in an amazing way. They were notified that Nico had a biological brother! So they opened their hearts and adopted him too - so amazing. They now have 2 of the most adorable little boys who will have the blessing of growing up together.
Kristin is a party planner extraordinaire!! Just look at the awesomeness she created! She made all of the signs and labels for everything. The cute farm animal cupcakes, piggy balloon craft and the list goes on and on...
By far the one of the best parts of the party was when Teo got to tear into his cake. Nico was very sure to not get messy...but Teo not so much :) Even their st bernard Quila joined in on the fun. It was too perfect!
The petting zoo, pony rides and turtle races were a big hit too. They even had a little 10 day old baby goose which was super cute!
Chris & Kristin - congras on your little guys...they are adorable! I'm so happy for you both! The party was perfect - thanks for allowing me to capture these memories for you! Enjoy your sneak peek!! xoxo -Carrie-

::Awesome uno. & dos. T-shirt appliques::
OnceUponaDesign on Etsy.com
::Cakes by::
Sweet Melissa
::Signs & Invites by the boys amazing Mom!!::
::Petting Zoo and Pony Rides::
Pony Rides By Donna