Carrie D Photography — Maryland Wedding and Family Photographer



I want to capture every moment of this big, beautiful life we have together.

That's why I take so much pride and pleasure in the work I do as a family and wedding photographer. I can't always capture every details or every moment at home, but I can make sure that it happens for you on the days that matter most.

I often feel like I'm the luckiest girl alive. I get to work in a profession that brings me so much joy. I'm married to an amazing man Jimmy, with whom I have three adorable daughters, Charley, Andie and Joeie. We share a life I wouldn't trade for the world. And yet, like so many of my clients, I always feel like I can't ever take enough photos.

"We're all trying to capture lightning in a bottle--the way a newborn's head wrinkles, how a smile shines with two missing teeth, the way a wife doesn't realize her husband looks at her--and I get to do that for my clients every day."

New ideas make me happy, and I'm always grateful when a client really wants to shake things up at heir session or wedding. When I get to capture candid moments in a new location or with new props or poses that I know are so important to you, I know we've photographed something truly special. We've caught lightening in a bottle. I look forward to capturing that kind of magic for you.

I fell in love with photography in an entirely new way after my oldest daughter was born. Since then, the view from the side of the camera has shifted. I appreciate how pictures capture more than an ideal arrangement of four people; each time my finger snaps there's a moment, a laugh, a tear, a glance, an exchange that will never be forgotten.


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